

The drive train probably saw the most minor changes on the whole bike. The chain and sprockets were "okay" but a bit worn. the clutch was a goner though. As soon as you'd rev too hard, the clutch would let go.


It was apparent from the beginning that the clutch needed some attention. I ordered a set of EBC clutch friction plates, and EBC stronger springs. (110%)
It was a very straightforward job, just needed to follow the manual.


A "bolt holder"


Before, also first look inside the engine... Looking good!


Scraped the gasket off with a sharpened putty knife


Old (at service limit) versus new


I moved the balance chain tensioner a notch while I had access


After the goof, it all ended well

Chain and Sprockets

The chain was in okay-ish state, but was due to be replaced soon. Since the bike was unable to keep speed in it's 6th (overdrive) gear, I decided to change the gearing.
I used gearingcommander to check what gearings would be good. I was lucky that a local motorcycle shop had a heavy-duty chain and sprocket set (NOS) on shelf.

This was a 16/36 (stock is 17/36) set, it would change the overdrive into a "real gear".
Initial results were awesome, the bike pulled!
This setup was used for the trip to France. The only downside was even poorer mileage on the highway.
In the end it became apparent that the issue with overdrive was due to poor fuel delivery and ignition. I wanted back to the stock gearing, and bough a JT sprocket to change the gearing back to default. With the rest of the mods, this is much better now.


Fancy and fat golden chain